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Hack Any Java Game for Everything
Hack Any Java Game For Money,Diamonds Etc............
Before starting let me tell you one think that we have to useBYTECODE EDITOR v1.40to create Hacks even a single mistake can corrupt the game so dont press any key until it is said to do so bcoz even a single space or dot is dangerous!!!!!
Now let me explain you about the commands .....These are of 4 types namely
iconst,bipush and sipush and the 4th one is ldc_w which is used to hack the game
iconst is used for values between 0 to 5,,,bipush for 6 to 127 and sipush for greater than 127,,
so the value you want to hack depends on how many digits it has and the command line
And dont use Byte code editor 1.5 or more as it shows many times error editing class files......
So here are the methods i have divided it in 3 types,,,,
This method is for those type games whos money is common throughout the game such as KINGDOMS AND LORDS,,,etc
1.First download the game in zip file
2.Create 2 empty folder in memory card ,,,in first folder extract the game files and in second one change the extension to jar and play the game a
little bit
3.Now note down the values of money etc,,,,and open Bytecode editor (make sure that you allow all permissions before editing as it ask for it many times)
4.Now navigate to the folder where you have extracted the files and here you will see many class files..
5.Open the first class file (maybe a.class) you will see 4 option
6.We only have to use the 4th option ie search,click on it,,,,,
7.Now here is the big deal,,,maximumly dont search for value with one digit as there are millions of them present instead search for another
eg: I am playing a game and at start i have 1500 money,3 diamonds,10 energy points,,and 25 resources so i will search in the box
as ,,,,,,sipush 1500 (all letters of the word sipush should be small it is v v important)
8.Now sometimes it will not found any file so just leave the file and go to another,,,, if it find a file just open the file and it will open strings.....
9.Now click on right soft key and then go to edit->>search type sipush 1500 and click ok
10.It will take you to a line but wait wait we dont have to hack here ok first we have to check whether it is the right place or not so compare it with the other values
11.As i had told you,the values i found playing the game so the string should look like this
sipush 1500
bipush 10
bipush 25
here the (.........) means that there are some other commands between them and they can be any.....
And the lines above the command is iconst_0,iconst_1,iconst_2 etc are serially numbers given to them from where the game picks up value one by one..
12.as told before sipush is for number greater than 127,,iconst for 0 to 5......
So my money is saved as sipush 1500 and diamonds is save as iconst_3..
13.Here just go to that line and click on edit and again click on edit the line
14.Here replace sipush 1500 with ldc_w 9999999and click ok (note every line leaves 2 space before the command so you also have to do it ,,start ldc_w 99999999 from the exact position in the textbox where sipush 1500 was started)
15.Now do this with every command line you find such as iconst_3,bipush 10 etc...
It should look like.......
ldc_w 99999999
ldc_w 99999999
ldc_w 99999999
ldc_w 99999999
16.You dont have to do it till the end!!!!! ok,,,you will find the breakpoint by urself as it will start a new command line
for example the end for the above comand line is like this
bipush 7
sipush 2000 (imagine it is the value of resources in the game)
.....(a different type of comand will start frm here)
iconst_0 (a new serious of comand starts frm here ,,you will come to know it by yourself....)
iconst_2 etc
So edit the values till sipush 2000,,DONT EDIT FURTHER!!!!!
17.Click on RSK then clik on save then exit it
18.It will ask "IS IT SAFE" CLICK ON OK
19.You are done !!!!!!!compress all the files using blueftp or any other software to jar format and if u done it perfectly then,,,,,
20.A new thing you should know that some game save value as sipush 50000.0,,,,,it means that there is an extension with " .0 "
So edit it in this way..............
ldc_w 999999999.0
1.Bytecode editor sometimes shows error opening class files and does not open it,,,,so dont take tension as the values we are searching is not in it
2.Sometimes another error is shown " java/out of memory error",,it means that the file is very big and cannot be opened through mobile,,have to hack it through pc
(bytecode editor software also available for pc but it do not save the files sometimes ,,,,,but it rarely happens THAT THE FILE IS BIG TO HACK IN MOBILE)
3.Some games at starts have value of money as 0 so it is imposible to hack it as the value is stored in the command "iconst_0" and makes it difficult to find the value in millions!!!!!!!
6.I have corrupted 100 games and still now not perfect in doing this hack!!!!!
Now you know how we are hacking the game,,,and you are a bit excited but,,,,,,,,you might also be thinking about games such as defend the bunker 2,dragons empire
for every level the value changes and there are at least 30 to 50 levels!!!!!!!!!so do we have much time to edit each level value one by one????NNOOOO WAY!!!!
1.FIrst play the game and at least complete till level 2.
2.Suppose that the value i find out for money is 500,500,2000 etc....
3.So after searching a lot of files i will come across a series as
sipush 500
sipush 500
sipush 2000
....it should be upto 50 times......as i have 50 level in the game
4.Just go to the beginnng of the value and scroll down little by little and note down each and evey 50 values
5.You are the the last of the file,then click on right soft key,then go t navigationand click on beginning,,,,it will take you to the beginning.
6.Now i know all the values
For example:
10 times sipush 500
10 times sipush 1000
10 times sipush 1500
10 times sipush 2000
10 times sipush 2500
(or any values like that)
7.As we are at the beginning just click on right soft key,,,go to edit and click on replacement
8.Here you will find 2 text boxes on the first box put sipush 500 and on the second box put ldc_w 9999999
9.This will automatically replace all the 10 values
10.Agian jump at the beginning 4 more time and replace all the other 4 values sipush 1000,1500,2000,2500
11.Go to righrt soft key and click on save and then exit it
12.Again it will as to save it,,,,so save it ,,,compress it to jar format and you are done!!!!!!!!!!
1.all points as mentioned in method 1
2.Suppose there are 52 values and levels are 50???so just replace all the values with ldc_w 999999,,,before this note down the last 2 values and if it got replace then edit it and make it original as before
3.THIS METHOD IS NOT APPLICABLE FOR "iconst" command ,,,,edit it manually,,,,and also sometimes for "bipush" if there are many!!!!!!!!
III: HACK SHOP (hardest but the best)
In this trick i will explain how to buy everything for free!!!!!!
lets do it
Here i am taking an example of Medal of Honor Airborne Elite Game!
1.In this game there are 2 shops 1 to buy weapons and the other to buy cheat codes
2.It is impossible to find the values in the weapons shop such as 2,2,5,3 etc
3.So here we will search for the cheat menu values which is 25 and the command is bipush 25
4.As there are 5 items in shop 2 so there must be 5 values
4.After searching a lot we got a class file containing 5 "bipush 25" commands as
bipush 25
bipush 25
5.Here edit all the bipush 25 manually 1 by 1 and replace it with ldc_w 0
6.We are using 0 because we want to buy it for zero money,,,,that is for free
7.Now what about shop 1???it is also situated in the same class file!!!!!!
8.Go to the beginning of the strings and here search for iconst_2
9.After 2 -3 attempts you will find the value in series as
10.If there are 10 items in shop 1 there must be 10 values
11.Edit all the 10 values and replace it with ldc_w 0
12.Here you are done with it and hacked the game!!!!!!!!
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Bytecode Editor.jar
SEYHA File Manager.jar

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